Here he is!

sabahanan2lowresHanan the magnificent appeared two and a half weeks ago of Friday evening at 9 pm. That means he was born on Shabbat and as they say “The righteous are born on the Sabbath Day”. We are very happy with him and hope that his parents will keep him. He is eating, sleeping, pooping and peeing (sometimes on me!); all the things that he is supposed to be doing. Tonight at her 4th birthday party, his sister Resheet baked a cake (imaginary) in his honour, which we thought was a wonderful gesture.

  1. #1 by Ann Graham - February 28th, 2010 at 09:19

    I love looking at transgenerational pictures of people, imagining that you looked very similar so many decades ago to the baby you hold and that your grandson will hold his grandson’s picture and be just as proud as you are today.

  2. #2 by Shoshi - November 20th, 2009 at 05:23

    I just realized what this goatee is about- you’re trying to look like Dale!

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